Monday, April 28, 2008

A Twighlight Zone Episode

So this is what I saw when I came out of the other side of the cave. First there was a very old Indian looking statue (above) with lots of paint chipped off. It seemed really out of place and looked like it had seen better days. Below you see a big budda that was also there.

Above: I'm standing at the exit to the cave.

Below: It's Yosemite Sam! I dunno...

Above: Another Indian looking god. Again seeming very out of place. The place itself looked like it hadn't been upkept at all. I don't think they get many visitors. There were weeds everywhere and everything looked as if it were falling apart. The place was dead. We didn't see a single person the whole time we were here, which added to the eeriness that I can't even begin to describe that I was feeling from this place.

Below: There were huge spiders EVERYWHERE. I didn't want to get too close, but if you click on this picture and get a closer view you can make out the details better. I was really afraid of walking into one because there webs were spread across the path we were walking down.

Above: Finally we're here. The strangeness that awaits on the other side of the cave. What the heck is this? It doesn't look Japanese. So strange....

Below: Anorexic Jesus? I have no idea. A pilgrim maybe? It was getting creepier by the minute.

Above: A grown up path with some lawn ornaments right next to the temple. What the heck?
These pictures above and below were taken inside the structure. It was really dirty in there and dusty and the only light was coming from a hole in the ceiling. The wooden statues were really cool though. It was so quiet in there. The bottom room which was pitch dark had creepy paintings. I don't have a picture because honestly it was creepy and I didn't want to look at the thing.

Above: Markian looking freaked out at all this crazy randomness...

Now this rooster approaches us as we exit the temple. It wasn't shy and then this band of stray diseased kitty herpes cats starts closing in on us along with the chicken. They were making these horrible sounds. I thought I was in a bad horror movie. I know it sounds crazy when I describe it, but you just have to go there and see. They all seemed sickly and were closing in on us. I wanted the hell out of there!

We make our way back to the cave where we can see up on the mountain a statue of a pilgrim...maybe? Anyway, I think it's where that grown up path went too. There was no way I was walking up that scary grown up path. Now back into the cave where we will find yet another cave---more to come!

*We will be in Tokyo starting tomorrow for a week so no updates for about a week. We're staying in a really cheap ryokan/hostel type place so no wireless! We're going to Kabuki Theater!!!! I'm so excited! I bought an evening gown this weekend and Markian is wearing his suit! See you in a week!*

Friday, April 25, 2008

The crazy drug trip cave at Ishite-Ji, Temple #51

Words or pictures can not describe the pictures I'm about to attempt to describe in words and pictures anyway. This place was one of the weirdest places I've ever been, and also one of the best. The above picture is of some statues at the entrance-way to the cave. The bottom picture is the entrance into the cave itself. This cave was REALLY dark. Most of the lights had burnt out and it was VERY narrow and it had been raining the day before so it was a little wet in there as well. I peered in and wasn't sure if this was a good idea. I had flip flops on because it was so hot outside. Not Kyoto hot though!

The first part of the cave consisted of this long pitch dark tunnel. I had to keep taking pictures to use the flash to see where I was going! I was really creeped out because outside the cave I had seen these HUGE spiders everywhere. I was very afraid that one might crawl on my foot. If I was a spider I would love to live in this cool, damp cave. Below I'm nervously smiling. I want to turn back, but Markian tells me to keep going.

There was a light above this budda that would flicker off and on. I finally got a picture when the light was on. In the picture below the cave was SO dark I couldn't even see my hand in front of me. I didn't even know what I was looking at till the next day when I looked at the pictures on my camera. It was that dark.

We bravely kept following the trail of budda's to the other side of god knows what. My guide book only described this place as a crazy drug trip, and I thought that was a little strange description of a temple, so I decided to go there. The book was totally accurate, or as close as I could guess as I've never actually been on a real drug trip. And no, I have no idea what the picture is of below. I couldn't see it when I was in there because it was so dark.

Above: Markian making scary faces to freak me out. I can't see him except when I use the camera to make the flash to see where I'm going. He looks stupid there, but it freaked me out when I took the picture. Again, pictures can not capture this place at all.
So yeah, in the next post I will show you the other side. You'll have to wait and see to see what we saw! It was actually even scarier on the other side.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ishite-Ji, Temple #51, PART 2

Alright, more pictures from here in Shikoku.

Above: Paper cranes are hanging from a temple building.
Below: A church like structure, not to far from the strange Jesus looking statue in the last post actually.

This structure was built on the side of the mountain. We walked up to it and it was a little scary. I wasn't sure how stable it was.

Above: A view from the structure on the side of the mountain.
Above: A statue built into a little cave.

Above: A cave on the mountain with little pots inside. It think it had something to do with a burial, but I don't quite remember.

Above; The path leading up the mountain.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ishite-ji, Temple #51, PART 1

Okay, this HAS to be on my top list of places I've visited in Japan. This was in the Dogo Onsen area on the island of Shikoku. We walked for about twenty minutes to get here on a very busy narrow street that didn't have any sidewalks which made me kinda nervous. It was 100% worth it. I'd love to go back here. When you first get to the temple grounds there are all these really cool statues in one place. There are so many of them which makes them really impressive. However, this is not why this place is so freaking awesome, but you will see that in another post. This is still pretty cool stuff though.

The whole area was very nice and wooded and shady. It was a beautiful day. The light coming through the trees and shining down onto the statues was really nice.
The guy below looks kinda like Jesus to me. I dunno what that was about. It amused me anyhow.

So yeah, we are back in Japan, and mostly glad to be back. It was nice to get to see people in America and eat, oh and eat and eat and eat...Did I mention eating? However, I really missed Japan. It's all back to work now. I did get a promotion though, which I haven't decided is a good or a bad thing yet. I am now a "Director of Studies" which means mo money, a real desk, but less time to spend the money so....we'll see how that goes. We work about three more weeks (including this week) and then it's off to Tokyo for a week! We're flying there so I'm really excited about that! Things will be hectic in the next few weeks with new schedules and new responsibilities for me. I will try to update when possible, but work and sleep come first, of course. This week isn't too bad because my high schools haven't started yet though. My schedule looks way better at first glance except for Wednesdays, which are going to be a bear...basically working 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, with what breaks are there being travel time to get to the next location. I'm not looking forward to that, but I don't have to go back to the place I hated, and travel time seems to be far less than last year. We'll wait and see though. Here's to the new school year!