Saturday, January 12, 2008

Himeji Castle, Part 2

From August, again, this is Himeji Castle. Above you see the first building that you could enter. You had to take off your shoes because of the nice wood floors. I love the sign below because it says, "No scribbles."

Above: A nice shot of the inside of the place. It was very nice and all made of wood. Below is a sign describing the picture below the sign picture. It is of a stone throwing hole. The castle had lots of defense features built into it to protect it against attack.

Above: A view out the window of the castle.

Above: One of the many stairways int he castle. The steps were tiny and I have little feet! I found it difficult to climb up the really tall ones because they were so steep!
Above: A strange view out the window that I found amusing.

Below: Markian standing in the hallway. This place is huge! It just seems to keep going and going!

Above: Me standing in the hallway pretending not to being dying from the horrible humidity.

Above: A view out the window.
Below: The princess lived in this building that you've been looking at on this entry. This was the only room that was covered with tatami mats, which is where she stayed. They had some manikins in here to show you what it would have looked like. They're playing some kind of game with the stones. There was a sign that described it, but I don't remember exactly what it was.

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