Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ishite-ji, Temple #51, PART 1

Okay, this HAS to be on my top list of places I've visited in Japan. This was in the Dogo Onsen area on the island of Shikoku. We walked for about twenty minutes to get here on a very busy narrow street that didn't have any sidewalks which made me kinda nervous. It was 100% worth it. I'd love to go back here. When you first get to the temple grounds there are all these really cool statues in one place. There are so many of them which makes them really impressive. However, this is not why this place is so freaking awesome, but you will see that in another post. This is still pretty cool stuff though.

The whole area was very nice and wooded and shady. It was a beautiful day. The light coming through the trees and shining down onto the statues was really nice.
The guy below looks kinda like Jesus to me. I dunno what that was about. It amused me anyhow.

So yeah, we are back in Japan, and mostly glad to be back. It was nice to get to see people in America and eat, oh and eat and eat and eat...Did I mention eating? However, I really missed Japan. It's all back to work now. I did get a promotion though, which I haven't decided is a good or a bad thing yet. I am now a "Director of Studies" which means mo money, a real desk, but less time to spend the money so....we'll see how that goes. We work about three more weeks (including this week) and then it's off to Tokyo for a week! We're flying there so I'm really excited about that! Things will be hectic in the next few weeks with new schedules and new responsibilities for me. I will try to update when possible, but work and sleep come first, of course. This week isn't too bad because my high schools haven't started yet though. My schedule looks way better at first glance except for Wednesdays, which are going to be a bear...basically working 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, with what breaks are there being travel time to get to the next location. I'm not looking forward to that, but I don't have to go back to the place I hated, and travel time seems to be far less than last year. We'll wait and see though. Here's to the new school year!

1 comment:

Bobby said...

proof that jesus visited japan!