Sunday, October 19, 2008

Diesel Train

So usually the trains in Japan that I ride every week where I live are run by electricity. Well, when you go out to the boonies, the trains don't run so frequently, and I guess it's too expensive to make a big electric line for that one train an hour that's only 1 car. So, here we rode a 1 car diesel train. It was much louder, not surprisingly. It was more like riding a bus than a train, or so it felt since it was so small. I took a picture because it was different and oh so yellow.

This picture of Markian is strange to me because he cut his hair really short recently. We are working so hard lately. We have many nice plans for November though. Fukuoka sumo tournament opening day, 9th row box seats, in the first of November and at the end a trip to Kyoto with my friend to get dressed as Maikos! I'm really excited. If I can just make it through all this work, there are many exciting things ahead!!! Oh and I'm planning our Winter Vacation trip. Thinking of Thailand at the moment, but not sure. We'll see what happens when I go to the travel agency this week.

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