Saturday, June 23, 2007


So, I thought I had to include some Anpanman since he's EVERYWHERE in Japan, and my students are always talking about him. It comes from an anime that's been around a really long time. Anpanman is a "pan", bread, guy that's a hero. His head is made of a bun and he's filled with bean jam. His weakness is anything that makes his head wet. The villian of the story is the leaders of the viruses. This is for real, seriously. I'm not making this up. I don't know lots of the particulars, since I've never actually seen the series. If you want to know more...there is lots of info here:

Anyway, I just think he really looks funny, and very childish, but many older kids really like him. It may be a great show; I don't know cause I haven't seen it. I really should invest in a television, but they're so freaking expensive over here. Granted, there WAY nicer than what we have at home. You wouldn't believe the picture quality. It's so clear. Markian likes to go in the electronics store and stare and drool at the tvs. haha! I told him there isn't any sense investing in a nice one when we'll only be here a couple of years.

You see Anpanman toys, and his figure on everything, even food packaging. I was shocked to see an Anpanman statue at Daisho-in Temple on Miyajima, which is where the bottom picture comes from. It's quite strange. I guess he's just so ingrained into the culture you see him everywhere!

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