Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The cape at Ashizurimisaki

We walked from the temple in the last post over to the view point for the cape. There was a sign for wild pigs, but we didn't see any. Below is what the pathway looked like with all the short little trees with their curving branches. It was cute except for the spiders everywhere.

Here it is, the view point. You can see a light house which we walked to that is much prettier from a distance than it is upclose.

A view down of the sharp rocks and the crashing waves in the water below.

So yeah, it was really beautiful. It reminded me of the oregon coastline. I would say it was worth the drive. I enjoyed the scenery. The weather was really nice there too, it was a little cooler than it had been in Hiroshima. More pics from here later. Sorry I'm so, so, so, extremely behind, but with this promotion I work like crazy and don't do much else. It's midnight right now and I'm so sleepy and I gotta get up and work all day tomorrow. So when I get a chance more updates and maybe I will eventually catch up!

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