Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Is that a road or your driveway?

So we left Ashizurimisaki and headed back towards Sukumo where we were spending the night. The roads to get there and back and really narrow and it's some serious countryside.
The road you see above you is a two way street, it's just crazy narrow and really curvy with a lot of drop off cliffs. As you can see we had a GPS system which was really useful, although it talked to us in Japanese the entire time and it wouldn't shut up. Little did we know the lines on the map were to scale and the road is really small and the car barely fits on them. Mom, you would have hated this, same goes to Markian's mom as well from what I've heard. Also, my grandmother, she would have been so car sick! I spend most of the time backseat driving and clinging to the "oh s*$%" handle.
The cool thing about having a car is that you can stop at all this little spots you never would have seen if you'd taken a bus or ridden the train. The tori above was in the middle of nowhere. I just had Markian pull over so I could take a picture. Below you can see farmer's fields.

This road was SO narrow and curvy. Do you see the mirror in the picture above? This is so you can look to see if another car is going to plow into you from the other side of the curve. Then you can pull off the best you can and not get hit. Fun.
Yes, this is a two way road as well. I even forgot how narrow it was!

Here is someone's family shrine we stopped at. Markian wanted to hike past the tori to see the actual shrine and where it lead, but it was crazy muddy and there was all these lizards, and also we were not sure if we were allowed to go up there. I mean it is someone's shrine after all and I don't think it's public. We hurriedly took our pictures and moved on. The woods were really nice though. The trees were so tall and everything was green and mossy.

I chased a dragonfly around. If you look closely you can see him/her in the grass. Dragonfly's are good luck I think! I like them because they eat nasty bugs.

So yeah, I wouldn't recommend driving for the easily panicked nervous types. I wouldn't recommend it if you hadn't been over here at least a few months either. It's awesome to be able to see the types of things you can see, but at the same time it was stressful (not so much for Markian, he was the driver, but for me the passenger).

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