Saturday, August 11, 2007

Who wouldn't enjoy this?

These were taken on March 26th, on one of first outing to a night spot that wasn' t fast food. I'd read about this places bathroom online. I had to go see what the bathroom fuss was about. As you can see there are three toliets all facing inward with mirrors all the way around. The picture doesn't quite capture the strangeness of it, as it was difficult to get everything in one shot. I had Markian go take pictures of it; you can see his reflection in the glass.
Below you see the inside of the restaurant. It looks like a basement, but it's actually upstairs in a building. We were the only people there! It was very late and I don't know if they were about to close or what the deal was. Cool place though.
Markian enjoying his gin tonkiku.
Here is the menu, in Japanese of course. Pretty. Pretty pricey too. I wouldn't have come here if I knew that, but it was worth it for the bathroom.
And after a few drinks....Haha...I love this picture. hehe

Our food came pretty quickly. I had an awesome tofu salad.
Markian had some tuna sashimi. Good times.

So in answer to the previous question, I would say he is enjoying Japan. He enjoys the food way more than me. I actually don't eat much Japanese food. I like sushi, and tempura but that isn't cheap. I don't like ramen because it's always got pork in it. I don't eat Japanese curry or tonkatsu because of the pork. It's very difficult to find pork free food. He said he loves living here, and like me says it's definetly the coolest place he's ever lived. We both find the job tiring from all the travel, so that's the main downside. Living here is really great though. He's even more of a city boy than I'm a city girl so he's happy to be here. His favorite place we've visited in Japan is Tokyo, which further shows that. I like Tokyo, but I'd much rather spend my cash in Kyoto. I like all the old stuff better than modern. Tokyo is so far away I doubt we'll be going anytime soon. The train to get there costs hundreds of dollars, and hotels are insanely expensive there. I would like to visit Shikoku, Kyushu, or Hokkaido instead on our next adventure to a new part of Japan.


Anonymous said...

Interesting bathroom is it a ladies or mens?...or g

Courtney said...

Both! I went in at first and laughed, then I made Mark go in and take pictures. I didn't bring my camera when I went in, and I didn't want to look like a weirdo going to the bathroom so quickly twice in a row. haha

Anonymous said...

Why??????? Why would someone want that???? And what if you acualy had to go to the bathroom?

Courtney said...

LMAO, Heath, it's private. You can lock the door. It's not like strangers come in and sit down beside you and take a dump! I guess if you like that sorta thing you could leave the door unlocked. haha Or Mark said you could use it with a friend. lol