Monday, February 23, 2009

Thailand: Elephant Camp Food

By far the best food we had in Thailand was in Chiang Mai. The food had way more flavor and there were better local dishes in this region. The best food out of Chiang Mai was at the elephant camp. After that, nothing could compare. I was really concerned about eating here as I knew we would be in the middle of no where with no other choices. But they feed us well in both quality and quantity. I would go back just for the food! I think it was so good because locals were cooking it, and it wasn't crappy tourist food, which we experienced later in the south of Thailand which is more touristy.

Above: Pad Thai, Vegetable Soup, and fried chicken with sweet and sour sauce. Below: A zoom in on the chicken.

For breakfast, not pictured, we got a half western half Thai breakfast. The Thai part was the best though. Homemade chicken and rice soup! I would eat breakfast if that's what it involved. I hate American style breakast.

Some of the employees were enjoying a green papaya salad with some fish. I have had this dish many times at Thai restaurants before and for me it's usually spicy and I like spicy. I was brave and tried some of theirs when they offered and it was fantastic! Though, insanely hot and my mouth was burny for a while. It was nice to have spicy food, something that is difficult to find in Japan.

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