Friday, May 4, 2007

A cute plague beast

Two nights in a row we've seen this bird (crane maybe? not quite sure what it is...) off of the bridge near our apartment perched on a line that ties up a boat. He just sits there. He turns around a little, but I think it's funny he always comes back to the same spot. We stood and watched him for a little while. I thought he/she was cute, but I think all animals are cute. Technically, I guess it qualifies as a plague beast just like those pigeons who carry bird flu. But for some reason, he/she is much cuter and more amusing than a pigeon.


Unknown said...

it's a heron

Courtney said...

Thanks! I don't know much about birds. :)

demon_llama said...

actually, it's a Crane i believe. beautiful, and it's a good sign (sign of fertility i believe)...