Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Ever feel this way? I sure do. Especially now. I'm finally off work and I've been sick the entire time. It really, really sucks. I "cantwin". I think it's allergy problems again, but they're back with a vengeance this time. It's even worse. I keep thinking I'll be better the next day, but it only gets worse! I wanted to go and see and do things, but every time I go somewhere I just feel like crap. We went to Diamond City yesterday because it's not that long of a haul. I had a coughing fit in a shoe store and got over heated and almost passed out. I went and laid in the floor of the mall because I couldn't find Mark (he was still in the shoe store somewhere and didn't have his phone) and I knew I was going to pass out if I didn't lay down and cool off somehow. So, I don't think we'll be doing too much this week now. It's our last big break til August so I'm pretty peeved at the whole situation. I guess it's better now then when I have to work, well sorta....

Markian is perfectly fine. Whatever is bothering me, doesn't seem to bother him, thank goodness. I was reading stuff online about Japan and allergies. If you don't know, it's so bad here that people wear like surgical masks around town in order to filter out the pollen. Apparently it's cedar pollen, see http://www.voanews.com/english/archive/2005-02/2005-02-14-voa5.cfm?CFID=69280231&CFTOKEN=95079777 It's an older article I know, but it explains some of this stuff. This royally sucks.


demon_llama said...

Cinnamon. Cinnamon. Cinnamon! Cinnamon Disks hard candy. they'll help. suck on 'em for a few days. just ask markian, what we always reccommend.

i feel your pain, in hte old days, that's how we used to tell it was a holiday break from work or a "4-day weekend," i would get sick. ever try and walk the Cleveland Zoo with kids when you've got the flu? it sucks. get well soon and Cinnamon. Cinnamon. Cinnamon!

Courtney said...

Yeah, this always happened to me as a kid during Christmas break. I sure wouldn't want to go to the zoo sick with a bunch of kids! Though I like it, the zoo tires me out when I'm healthy and well! Is the Cleveland Zoo nice? I've never been!

mmmmm...I love those Cinnamon candies! I haven't seen any here though. I used to eat them all the time as a kid. Sometimes when we went to the credit union the teller would give me some. I've been eating these lemon drops, they kinda suck. I"m about to break down and buy expensive Ricolas at the SOGO!