Thursday, May 24, 2007

Robots are awesome.

Saw this guy up near Yokogawa Station. Thought he was pretty awesome, so I told Markian to pose with him. Robots are awesome. I'm wondering when we'll get the transformers movie over here. I know it's not out in the US yet, but I'm just thinking ahead.

I think Pirates 3 came out today, but I'm not sure if it did here. I went to the local theater website and used one of those web translators to change it into English and it was no where to be seen on the site. It looks like they're just now showing 300 here. So, it may be a while before I get to see Pirates, which makes me sad. Movies are crazy expensive over here, so I'm only going if it's something I really, really, really wanna pirates. It'll probably be disappointing like the last one, but it's pirates + Johnny Depp so I really don't care.

The reason I'm able to sit here and type this is cause one of my high schools has exams so I didn't have to go today. I plan to use the afternoon to catch up on lesson planning. I still have night classes to teach this evening. Alright, I'm going to go check on my rice. It's the first time I've had time to cook in a while. I usually am living at the Mos Burger or the cheap-o Italian place.

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