Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ugly babies and heat

Isn't this the most hideous thing you've ever laid eyes on? It's much worse in person I assure you. They make bags and pants out of these too. There is an entire store full of this crap. I can't figure out who buys it because I never see anyone wearing it. It's so horribly's like a train wreck, I want to look away, but I can't. Why oh why?

In other news, it is hot as hell. Actually, it's no where near Memphis hot. However, no having central heat and air makes it seem hotter than the US where I'm used to frigid air conditioning everywhere I go. I have all this free time with my high schools being on break. However, I'm too hot be able to enjoy anything. I sit here in the heat, whining that I'm hot. It's too warm in here to move, and I'm too cheap to turn on our little a/c unit. Besides it's in the kitchen and I don't want to sit in the kitchen all day to be cool. Sleeping in the heat sucks. We've tried sleeping in the living room on the tatami mats where we can open the big sliding glass door, but that doesn't feel really any different than the stuffy bedroom. I'm voting on bringing the bed into the kitchen area. Being hot isn't fun. I dread the walk to school today. It's too warm to be walking around!

I don't know if I've mentioned or not, but we're taking a little vacation during obon week. We'll be staying in Osaka, but visiting mostly Kyoto and maybe Nara again and Iga Ueno (the ninja town). So I'm really pumped about our little trip in the heat during one the biggest weeks for travel all year (I really didn't think this through, did I...). No, seriously, I am very excited.


Anonymous said...

HAHA those shirts are the best!

Courtney said...

I'm glad someone else appreciates the horridness of it all. Do you want one? haha