Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kitty Chan

I have a backlog of these so, here we go. Hello Kitty is known as "Kitty Chan" in Japan. Chan is a suffix usually used after a child or a young persons name. Anyone who knows me knows what a Hello Kitty fanatic I am. My first word as a baby was "kitty" because of Hello Kitty. It was my favorite stuffed animal. I've always loved anything to do with cats, especially Hello Kitty.

I was lucky one day to be in the Sogo when there was a temporary Kitty Chan merchandise section set up. Sogo is a fancy department store. I like their stuff, but I'd never have the cash to buy anything in there. Actually, I take that back, I did buy this sweet French hairpin for 60% off there. Anyhow, as you can see above they were selling these fancy Kitty Chan stuffed animals that were wearing kimonos. The ones above cost from about 8,000 to 7,000 yen a pop! Now if you thought that was bad, just wait 'til you see the price of the ones to follow.

The very top picture: A Hello Kitty outside a Hello Kitty shop at Osaka Port.

Below: A really cute Kitty Chan Banner in the Sogo. I want one for my apartment!

This is the same stuffed animal above and below. The one below I included to show you the price tag, and that I wasn't making this crap up. Get ready to take a crap in your pants when you hear this figure. 1,050,000 yen!!! That's about $9,500.00 at the current exchange rate. I mean it's a pretty freaking sweet kitty cat, but not that sweet! I think I was drooling when I took this photo. I want one!!! The blocks under her say haroukitei (Hello Kitty in Japanese).
Below: The temporary shop at the Sogo.

Above: Another Sogo kitty for half the price of the other one, but still a whoping 520,000 Yen!!!! Roughly... $4,728.00 Don't think I'll be getting one of these anytime soon...

Above: The Hello Kitty in the Sanrio Shop (the company that makes Kitty Chan) in the Fukuya (yet another expensive department store, though this shop is permanent).

Below: A view of the Fukuya Sanrio Shop

Now we come to the mega of Hello Kitty shops. No, this wasn't a Sanrio Shop, this is actually a Hello Kitty only store! It's in Osaka, and it's freaking sweet. This picture makes me look high (which I can assure you I'm not), but I love Kitty Chan so I'm posting it anyway. Below you can see the "Tree of Happiness" which they had in the store. It's supposed to make you happy. Well, it did me anyway. I think I scared Markian a little I got so happy! They had these Kitty Chan yukatas there and I wanted one so badly but it would have cost me over $300 bucks to get the entire set! So I sadly walked away, while Markian dragged me out of the store.

A pretty piece of Kitty Chan stained glass. The store was spectacular. I'm glad there isn't one in Hiroshima because I wouldn't have a paycheck left!!

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