The pictures here today are kinda random. I haven't downloaded my newer ones yet cause it's too much trouble with that camera. This is from March 14th (according to my computer files) when were were just exploring around at night. We found this little Shinto Shrine in the middle of the city. It was all lite up with lanterns and I thought it was pretty. So we stopped and took some pictures. I love that there are little shrines randomly placed around the city. I like the mix of old/new Japan, although nothing here is that old cause of what happened in the war.
There are some exceptions. Today we passed a temple near this mountain that said it survived the bomb, all except the room. We were tired and Mark wasn't feeling well, so we walked home and decided to go back at a later time and check it out.
Mark has a 102.5 degree temperature according to his thermometer. He says he doesn't feel that horrible, but he sounds horrible and he can't get warm and I'm baking in here. I'm hoping he gets better so. We were going to go hiking tomorrow, but that's probably not happening now. We'll just have to stay at the hotel. I guess I may go out tomorrow by myself while he's sleeping cause I can't stand to be cooped up in this itsy bitsy hotel room all day.
Glad to hear you weren't caught in the earthquake. My mom told me there was an earthquake in Japan, but she couldn't remember where (great reporting, Mom!). Did you hear about the 6" title wave it produced--seems kind of small for the magnitude of the actual earthquake.
Yeah, my parents haven't even asked, and I know they don't know their geography over here. lol Yeah, I thought it would have been a bigger wave too. I've seen the pictures of the damage in the town. The highways are busted up and cracked and it total demolished a lot of buildings. Scary stuff. It just as well could have happened here I guess. At least most the buildings in Hiroshima are fairly new and more up to earthquake standards!
Hey girl! Crystal here...and yes, I too was worried about you in the earthquake. Since Japan is a smaller island I did not know how far the quake could be felt. :D I hope you are doing better over there and please be careful!!! I heard the news about a British woman being killed over there. Of course, that can happen anywhere I guess. I am happy your boyfriend is with you though. Be good and keep us posted as to your goings on in Japan. :D
Crystal Lee
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